MURKOS | メタセコイア キョウマチボリアートフェア2023


  • 絵画




MURKOS / ムーコス

一時絵から離れ、金融やアパレル等の他業種を経験した後アクリルでのイラスト制作を再開し、商業施設のキービジュアル、プロダクト制作のクライアントワークを多数手がける。鮮やかな色彩と軽いタッチの線で人物や静物画を得意とし、 2021年より油画やアクリル画、立体などの作品も制作。大阪を拠点に個展やグループ展で発表している。

2022 chignitta SPACE / 大阪

2023 BAMA / 韓国
    大阪髙島屋 / 大阪
    枚方 蔦屋書店 / 大阪
2022 ART GOES ON / 大阪
2021 紀陽銀行 presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2021 / 大阪
    UNKNOWN ASIA EXTRA 2021 / 大阪


Born in Osaka/ Graduated from Osaka University of Arts, Oil Painting Course

After temporarily taking a break from painting and working in other industries such as finance and apparel, she resumed creating illustrations with acrylics and has done a lot of client work for key visuals of commercial facilities and product creation. She specializes in portraits and still life paintings with vivid colors and light touch lines. Since 2021, I have been creating oil paintings, acrylic paintings, and three-dimensional works. Based in Osaka, I have shown my work in solo and group exhibitions.

Sometimes we feel different things even if we have the same experience, and sometimes we come to the same idea even if we have different experiences. Many people unconsciously have various philosophies in their lives. Some people express it in words, while others express it in music, sports, and relationships with people. MURKOS also creates works that serve as metaphorical expressions of the philosophies that arise within his.

•solo exhibition
2022 chignitta SPACE / Osaka

2023 BAMA / Korea
    Osaka Takashimaya / Osaka, Japan
2022 ART GOES ON / Osaka, Japan
2021 Kiyo Bank presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2021 / Osaka, Japan
    UNKNOWN ASIA EXTRA 2021 / Osaka, Japan





画像3枚目「Sometime on 1111」

Oil paintings and NFT works on the theme of "the sense of awareness of the invisible."

People and events have stories that lead up to them and are usually passed by because they are not visible.
What is not visible may be something we want to know or become aware of because of our environment, mindset, timing, or other factors.
If we used to want to know something, now we can see a lot of information on our computers and smart phones.
We can easily look up bits and pieces that someone has left for us about past events.
I think the important thing is to have a desire to know and to keep in mind that there are things we cannot see.

The first layer is NFT art (3rd image) and the second layer is a physical work (1st and 2nd images). NFT art cannot be seen in real life, but it can be viewed as a digital work on a computer or smartphone.
For the solo exhibition, we used AR to create a mechanism whereby the first layer of NFT art would appear on the screen when the viewer pointed their smartphone at the second layer of physical artwork on display.

The title of the work is the date.
Image 1.2 "1111
Image 3: "Sometime on 1111
Dates are nothing more than daily landmarks. A day that is nothing to someone else may be a special day to someone else." With this meaning, we depicted a moment in the day of someone somewhere.
The first layer of NFT art represents a day in someone's past, and the second layer of physical artwork represents a day closer to someone's present.



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